1663 Route 22 Brewster, NY 10509 | 845-600-5214 | info@strengthofthemindpsych.com
Latest News
Join us at the office on June 22nd, 2023 for our official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and celebration, courtesy of the Brewster Chamber of Commerce. The gathering will be from 5:30-7:00 and will feature refreshments from Wandering Dave’s and Panino Italian Deli!
We are very fortunate to take on 2 wonderful NP students this semester, Simone and Alex. They will be with us for the majority of 2023, in fact, and will be learning all they can in preparation for graduating in early 2024 from Pace University. Give them a warm welcome when you see them!
We’re live with Headway for most of the providers they work with, including Aetna, Cigna, Oxford, Oscar, and United Healthcare! We have already begun working with our existing patients to incorporate them into the system so they can begin utilizing their insurance for sessions, and are excited to take on new patients.
We want to let you know that Maria from Forward Motion Counseling will now be providing psychotherapy services from 1663 Route 22 by appointment. Visit her site for more information and to set up an appointment.