Top 10 Ways to Spend Your Weekend

Here are some our favorite ways to unwind, relax, and rejuvenate!

  1. Enjoy the outdoors by going for a walk in the park.

  2. Go to a farmer’s market or a flea market and wander aimlessly.

  3. Give yourself some “Me Time” - this is crucial for self-care.

  4. Binge watch a series on your favorite streaming service.

  5. Meal Prep - you’d be surprised how much it eases your mind.

  6. Exercise - exercise raises endorphins. Endorphins make people happy.

  7. Avoid routine - let the day take you where it wants.

  8. Read a book - knowledge is power!

  9. Go to the movies or a local sporting event.

  10. Take a day trip


World Mental Health Day - 10/10/2023


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